Navalia For Mac

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Navalia is a real time strategy game in which you are the commander of a spaceships fleet, tasked with protecting the home system from formidable enemies and expanding your dominance of the galaxy. Navalia is a real-time strategy game where you get to design, build and command entire fleets of spaceships. You travel through the galaxy and try to stop the enemy invasion. Through your journey you earn resources and experience that help you expand your fleet and research new parts.

Combat and gunnery Realistic ballistics and cannon performance of the period. Every cannonball is tracked in the air and after it hits the target. One shot can hit the stern, damage the rudder, then hit the cannon carriage, injure crew, ricochet from the floor and hit the opposite side.

Listing and wind affects the shooting distance and will require change of tactics. Weapons: All major types of naval artillery are implemented: from long guns to carronades, and mortars (of course limited by the ship role and its hull). Fort and land batteries will provide support during port battles. Fire ships and branders will also be present in the game. Sailing Advanced wind and physics model provides for realistic portrayal of ship’s performance in the age of sail.

Yard angles, ship angle to wind, cargo, fittings and ship condition affects speeds and turning rates. Correct tacking, boxhauling, clubhauling and other elements of the age of sail sailing are possible. Hidden ship characteristics will allow to gradually uncover potential of the vessel – every ship in game will be unique. Damage model: Leaks, splinters, loose cannons, demasting, raking, fires and all other hazards possible in that era.

Damaged ship fittings and modules will change behavior of the ship. Navigate Breathtaking open world based on 18th century historical maps gives you an opportunity to explore the 18th Century Caribbean. More than 365 historical ports based on their real locations are scattered across the map.

Map is enormous - you cannot see another shore of lake Maracaibo. Map does not provide player position. Captains are expected to navigate using landmarks and compass. We were able to bring back the feeling of getting lost at sea into the computer game. Weather will make travel easier or harder reducing the visibility of the shores or allowing sneak attack on enemy fleets or ports. Water depth is important and there are large areas available only to light ships. If you are not interested in sailing heavy frigates or ships of the line you can move out to Bahamas’ sand banks and only sail your favorite brig without fear encountering a heavy super frigate.

Ax88772b drivers for mac. Economy is still in development but is already player driven. Prices go up or down based on supply demand. Ship construction requires resources that have to be captured and protected from enemies. Every port has its own supply and demand patterns providing the trading opportunities for the players.


You can build any ship in the game the way you want it: tweaking it's battle and sailing performance during construction. In the future we plan to add production buildings and port investments increasing the depth of crafting. You can sail under the flag of nations that historically had presence in the Caribbean (had at least one port from 1600 to 1830) • Britain • France • Spain • United States • Denmark • Holland • Sweden Or you can be a Pirate. Pirates can attack each other and that changes their mechanics compared to other nations. Pirate mechanics are in development and might improve or change in the future. At this stage of the game all nations are at war with each other.

Free download music for mac. Every port except for free towns and capitals can be captured, limiting access to resources to other nations. Build your own empire by creating a guild and conquering Caribbean for your nation.

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